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Twitter - 27/10/2020 15:19:07

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https://t.co/itHFu8fFAz A man with a silly walk should have a happy birthday. Here are 3 that show off his comedic… https://t.co/46OC67yafU


Twitter - 27/10/2020 14:52:20

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Felt inspired today #protest #MontyPython #FirstAmendment #StandUp #HumanRights #BLM #Protesting #IGotYourBackhttps://t.co/1Gvgc0M0lz


Twitter - 27/10/2020 14:50:53

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On this day, October 27th, in 1939: John Marwood Cleese was born in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Today’s soundtrac… https://t.co/99Q6Z5iiq2


Twitter - 27/10/2020 14:45:02

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And now for something completely different... Happy 81st birthday to @JohnCleese. The wittiest personality of our century. #MontyPython


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