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Twitter - 01/04/2023 01:28:05

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@montypython @guardian And how are we feeling tonight? Bettuh Better? Better get me a bucket: I'm gonna THROW up!


Twitter - 01/04/2023 01:15:09

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#MontyPython #FawltyFriday #ClassicBritishTV 8pm. #nocontext (From The Prisoner, Episode: "A. B. and C.," aired F… https://t.co/F5sQVP4Gyj


Twitter - 01/04/2023 01:03:17

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Camp Gourd, or Shoe? @montypython


Twitter - 01/04/2023 00:50:06

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@Smegheadreed @montypython Happy Birthday "Meaning of Life!"


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