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  • Aberystwyth University Launches Research Project on Monty Python'

    Dr. Kate Egan, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies at the Department of Theatre Film and Television Studies at Aberystwyth University, U.K., and an authority on media audience research, has devised a new research project, The Monty Python Memories Research Project, to find out more about the different ways in which Monty Python and their comedy have been experienced, engaged with and valued over the years, by people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life. 

    Dr Egan, a life-long Python fan, said of the new research project: “Clearly, and after nearly fifty years, Monty Python’s popularity has continued to grow. But that doesn’t tell us what people really enjoy about them. What is it that different people most remember and value about their encounters with Python - whether on television, at the cinema, on stage, or in front of the record player? As a film and television studies researcher, I am intrigued by the Python-related experiences and memories of others. Whether people love them, like them, are entertained or irritated by them; whether their views on Python have changed or stayed the same; whether they first discovered them in 1969 or only recently, I’m interested in people’s thoughts, experiences and memories.”

    Dr Egan wants to hear from people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life about their experiences of Monty Python over the years, and how they might have influenced or impacted on people’s lives.

    You can read more about the project, and take part in the study by answering the research questionnaire (which should only take 15-20 minutes to complete) here

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