- NEWS -

  • From The Archive - 12 June 2015

    We’ve come across more goodies from the making-of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, including these handwritten post-production notes about the music for the film.

    You can see photos of all the material unveiled from the archive to date, in our media gallery.

    Keep checking back as we unveil more finds from the archive.

More news from Monty Python

10 November 2014
‘Monty Python Live (mostly) – One Down Five to Go’ DVD, Blu-ray and Deluxe Edition Released
20 February 2015
Monty Python Archive Build - Update
14 March 2018
RIP Prof. Stephen Hawking (1942-2018)
10 December 2016
Eric's "The Entire Universe" to Premiere on BBC2 on Boxing Day 2016

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